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Image credits: Ezra Acayan, on assignment for Break Free From Plastic
Story by: Devayani Khare and Miko Aliño
In some cases, sachets are even burned to smoke tofu. Research conducted by Nexus3 and IPEN revealed high levels of dioxin - a highly hazardous chemical - in one of these plastic-burning tofu factories. The incineration of sachets or any form of plastic waste releases dioxins, and new emerging research sheds light on the health impacts of this harmful practice.
The brand audits identified the top 10 sachet polluters in Asia, namely Unilever, Wings, Mayora Indah, Wadia Group, Balaji Wafers Private Limited, Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, Yes 2 Healthy Life, JG Summit Holdings, and Salim Group.
The 2023 sachet brand audit report highlights the widespread problem of single-use sachets and the urgent need for action within the framework of the global plastics treaty, which advocates for eliminating high-risk and polluting plastic products - such as sachets.
BFFP calls on fast-moving consumer goods corporations to take immediate action to phase out or quit sachets, to effectively address the environmental, social and economic impacts of these single-use plastics.
Likewise, corporations should support governments and communities while scaling up true alternatives like reuse and refill, and incentivise return policies that enable a just transition for solutions that are truly good for both people and the planet.
Photographer: Ezra Acayan
Two-time World Press Photo awardee and Pulitzer Prize finalist, Ezra Acayan is a Philippines-based photographer with a decade of experience covering politics, climate change, and social injustice. He has covered the issue of plastic pollution, with a focus on sachets before, and this photo series hopes to capture the lifecycle of sachets and their adverse impact on the environment, and human health.
Story: the Break Free From Plastic Team
In 2023, several NGOs from the BFFP movement audited sachets from locations across India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam, to expose the top sachet-polluting corporations in the region, here are the results:
Despite being the TOP sachet polluter in Asia Pacific (as per the sachet brand audits 2023), Unilever continues to use ‘sustainability’ for its market positioning and branding. In reality, they are promoting false solutions when addressing sachet pollution. Here are case studies on Unilever’s poor track record in addressing the issue of sachets, and a campaign that calls upon global corporations to take serious action