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Interested to learn more about the plastic pollution crisis? Access reports, graphics, data, and other materials produced by the movement’s members and allies.






Publication Year

Publication Year





Brand Audit 2022

Break Free From Plastic | 2022

The mission with our brand annual audit is to identify the world’s top polluting corporations. By gathering data on plastic waste collected at community cleanups around the world, brand audits allow us to challenge the plastic industry and demand real solutions. Our reports have revealed that the true driving forces of the plastic pollution crisis are the corporations producing all this plastic in the first place.


Making Europe transition to reusable packaging

Zero Waste Europe | 2022

The clear limitations of single-use packaging are being exposed, and reusable packaging is now standing high on the agenda of policy-makers and key market players. This report aims at bringing the evidence needed (from a quantitative and qualitative aspect) for determining the product categories that are most suitable for the transition of some packaging from single-use to reusable options.


Package-less and Reuse Systems Through Policy Intervention

Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) | 2022

To spark innovative thinking and valuable discussions on this topic, QUNO has is delighted to present its latest report, which contains a focused analysis of the state of play of the packaging-free retail sector in Latin America, examining policy barriers (in the role of services) affecting the wider uptake of the packaging-free retail models in the region.


ReuSe Vanguard Project (RSVP)

Zero Waste Europe | 2023

This blueprint aims to support and harmonise the creation of a well-performing and resilient reuse infrastructure development model in urban areas across Europe; and its scaling up in the next few years, starting with the key sector of reusable take-away food and drinks packaging. This sector has experienced an unprecedented rate of dynamism and innovation over the last few years and can be instrumental in setting up urban infrastructure which could later be used by other product and packaging categories.








Publication Year

Publication Year


Why reusable is the best way

Environmental Action Germany / Deutsche Umwelthilfe | 2023

Effective way to reduce packaging waste in municipalities

Fact Sheets

rPET disposable bottles

Environmental Action Germany / Deutsche Umwelthilfe | 2023

Overview of Einweg-Plastikflaschen in Deutschland

Fact Sheets

Excise tax on disposable packaging

Environmental Action Germany / Deutsche Umwelthilfe | 2023

The fact sheet informs about the tax on disposable packaging that was implemented in the German city Tübingen on 1.1.22.

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#BreakFreeFromPlastic is a global movement working to stop plastic pollution for good.

By linking together the many great initiatives happening all over the world, we demonstrate our size, diversity, and global reach. Use the logo and hashtag to strengthen and amplify our movement-wide message to #BreakFreeFromPlastic and support your individual and collaborative actions.

Other Resources


Browse through some of the informative graphics that the movement has produced. You can use them to educate, spread the word, or simply learn from.
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Watch some informative and educational videos produced by or featuring the movement and its members.
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Learn from webinars produced and prepared by members and allies of the movement. Browse through different topics, from general information to implementing solutions.
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#BreakFreeFromPlastic works with members and allies to create documentaries that tackle the plastic pollution crisis and reveal the true cost of plastic. From hard hitting revelations to inspiring stories, these will surely give you a more holistic understanding of the urgent problem we’re facing.

Whether you’re researching, wanting to learn about plastic pollution, or just looking for something to watch, these documentaries are definitely a must!
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#BreakFreeFromPlastic has partnered with members to bring you engaging podcasts about plastic pollution. Each of the programs below tackle a variety of topics, uncovering truths about plastic pollution and consumption. Throughout the varied angles, one thing remains consistent: production must stop if we are to address the crisis at hand. We must #BreakFreeFromPlastic as a society, together.

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Sign-on Letters

Take action and add your name to sign-on letters created by the movement and its members. You can either sign as an individual or sign on behalf of your organization, depending on the campaign.
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Join the 13,000+ members representing millions of people around the world.

Whether you represent an organization or want to join as an individual, you can help fight the plastic pollution crisis. And as a movement, we can achieve so much more. Become a member today and be part of the change!
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