Read updates on the fifth round of negotiations for Plastics Treaty ➝

Exploring the Intersections of

Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is not just an environmental issue.

It is a social justice issue intertwined with inequalities based on race, class, gender and geographic locations.

Only by acknowledging these intersections can we create and advocate for equitable and sustainable solutions that make a truly positive impact.

Our approach

Build synergies and connect

Build synergies and connect

We build new and strengthen existing relationships with organisations and movements that work on issues beyond plastic pollution.

Share and learn

Share and learn

We host webinars and trainings for Break Free From Plastic members so that we can collectively learn about the intersections of plastic pollution.

Reflect and integrate

Reflect and integrate

We take these learnings, reflect on how they impact the movement’s work and continually integrate and adapt our strategies.

Learn and Explore

how plastic pollution connects to workers rights, health, anti-racism and more
1:30 pm Delhi
4 pm Manila/Kuala Lumpur
3 pm Jakarta/Hanoi
6 pm Canberra
8 pm Auckland

Anti-racist green practices and intersectional justice

Anti-racist green practices and intersectional justice

People of colour, indigenous communities, and racialised groups are disproportionately affected by the impacts of plastic pollution and production. This paper zooms in on the intersections between plastic pollution, race, and class. 


Human Rights

Human Rights

With production set to triple by 2050, plastic pollution drives climate change, affecting ecosystems and communities around the world. This paper explores the links between plastic and human rights.


Reuse, accessibility and affordability

Reuse, accessibility and affordability

 Packaging waste and public awareness of plastic pollution are driving the shift from single-use to reusable packaging. This transition presents opportunities and challenges for workers, businesses, and communities. 


Reuse in the delivery sector

Reuse in the delivery sector

Break Free From Plastic Europe and Fairwork explore the intersection of reuse systems and workers' rights in the delivery sector, highlighting the social impacts of transitioning to reuse. 


Waste pickers

Waste pickers

To build a just transition towards a future free from plastic pollution, we need to understand and learn from waste pickers’ expertise and experience on the ground to collectively build solutions. 


Workers’ Rights

Workers’ Rights

Plastic production, use, disposal, and pollution impact the health, safety, rights and opportunities of workers. This paper looks into the solutions that centre people, workers and the planet.


Interested in the intersections of plastic pollution? Join us in creating webinars and resources—let’s collaborate!


This Valentine’s Day, let your love be the only thing that lasts forever—not plastic! 💕

🎟 Experience Gifts
...💌 Handwritten Love Letter
🌹 Dried or Locally Grown Flowers

Share your plastic-free #ValentinesDay ideas in the comments! 💬💚

#BreakFreeFromPlastic #NoToSingleUse

🚨🧠 The average brain sampled in 2024 contained a whopping 7 grams of microplastics -- the equivalent of a plastic... spoon. Higher concentrations were noted in those with dementia. 🥄😱

Read more:

#Microplastics #ToxicPlastics #BreakFreeFromPlastic

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