Fifth round of negotiations for Plastic Treaty just concluded. Read updates.

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ASEAN leadership key to the success of global plastic treaty to end plastic pollution

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6 Petrlik, J., Beeler, B., Ismawati, Y. and Bell, L. 2024. Toxic Contamination Caused by Plastic Waste in Countries of the Global South. In: Plastic Waste Trade: A New Colonialist Means of Pollution Transfer, edited by S. Gündoğdu. Springer Nature Switzerland 2024.

7 Thing Siew Shuen. (2024, January 27). Malaysia’s Waste-to-Energy plans are a wasted opportunity. Greenpeace.

8 Roberts, B., Teoh, M., & Murray, K. (2020). Investigating Solutions to Marine Plastic Pollution in Cambodia: A Review and Synthesis of Scoping Research from Coastal & Marine Sites. Fauna & Flora International.; Thanda Ko Gyi. (2020). Abandoned, Lost or otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG) in Myanmar's Myeik Archipelago. Myanmar Ocean Project.; Raes, L., Jain, A., Nguyen Ba, T., & Savels, R. (2022). The economic impact of marine plastics, including ghost fishing, on fishing boats in Phước Tinh and Loc An, Ba Ria Vung Tau Province, Viet Nam. IUCN.

9 Dvorska, A., et al. (2023). Toxic hot spot in Kalasin: Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Surroundings of Electronic Waste Recycling Sites in Kalasin Province, Thailand. EARTH & Arnika Association.

10 Luqman, A., Nugrahapraja, H., Wahyuono, R. A., Islami, I., Haekal, M. H., Fardiansyah, Y., Putri, B.Q., Amalludin, F.I., Rofiqa, E.A., Gotz, F., & Wibowo, A. T. (2021). Microplastic contamination in human stools, foods, and drinking water associated with Indonesian coastal population. Environments, 8(12), 138.

11 2022 Data searched through the UN Comtrade database.

12 Gokken, B. (2019, November 7). Indonesia re-exporting illegal waste to other countries, report finds. Mongabay.

13 Quinault, C. (2020, February 6). Impurity rules ‘apply’ to intra-EU waste paper trade. Letsrecycle

14 Wipatayotin, A. (2022, July 29). Firm told to repatriate illegal waste. Bangkok Post.

15 IPEN, National Toxics Network, Nexus3, Consumers’ Association of Penang, EcoWaste Coalition. (2022). Plastic Waste Fuels: Serious Implications Across South East Asia, as Australia Kicks the ‘Waste’ Can Down the Road. IPEN.

16 Lighthouse Reporting. (2024). How We Investigated Plastic Waste Dumping in Myanmar.

17 GAIA. (2021). Plastic-Free Hoi An: Towards a Green Destination.

18 Greenpeace. (n.d.). Reuse and Refill for a Plastic-Free Future.

19 Dietplastik. (2024, January 13). Reuse Tour 2024 Presents Learning to Expand Reuse Practices in Asia.

20 Thai Enquirer. (2023, December 27). New campaign by EJF and Bangkok Met aims to reduce plastic bottle use.

21 ASEAN Framework of Action on Marine Debris. (2020).

22 Zimmermann, L., Dombrowski, A., Völker, C., Wagner, M. (2020). Are bioplastics and plant-based materials safer than conventional plastics? In vitro toxicity and chemical composition, Environment International, Volume 145, 2020, 106066, ISSN 0160-4120,

23 Scientists’ Coalition Briefing Series: The global plastics treaty: What is the role of bio-based plastic, biodegradable plastic and bioplastic?

This Valentine’s Day, let your love be the only thing that lasts forever—not plastic! 💕

🎟 Experience Gifts
...💌 Handwritten Love Letter
🌹 Dried or Locally Grown Flowers

Share your plastic-free #ValentinesDay ideas in the comments! 💬💚

#BreakFreeFromPlastic #NoToSingleUse

🚨🧠 The average brain sampled in 2024 contained a whopping 7 grams of microplastics -- the equivalent of a plastic... spoon. Higher concentrations were noted in those with dementia. 🥄😱

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#Microplastics #ToxicPlastics #BreakFreeFromPlastic

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