Fifth round of negotiations for Plastic Treaty just concluded. Read updates.

Protect our planet! Last chance to join the call for a strong Plastics Treaty. SIGN THE PETITION NOW.

#BrandAudit2020 Report

Social Media Toolkit
The highly anticipated “BRANDED Volume III: Demanding Corporate Accountability for Plastic Pollution” IS OUT. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year’s #BrandAudit2020, which included 575 brand audit events from 55 countries across 6 continents! We would also like to thank waste pickers all around the world, especially those who joined us in this year’s global brand audit. This year, we are shedding light on the essential role they play in working towards creating real solutions as opposed to the corporations’ huge role in perpetuating the plastic pollution crisis. Our 2020 report exposes how the plastic industry’s dirty decisions on packaging are impacting waste pickers’ livelihoods. Now’s the time to tell the world who the top corporate polluters are of 2020. Did you know that most of them are on the list for the third year in a row?
Join the global Break Free From Plastic movement as we KEEP THE PRESSURE ON! Use this toolkit to take action on social media using real data gathered from citizens around the world. Together let’s stand with waste workers and demand REAL corporate accountability and REAL solutions!
Use the hashtag
#BrandAudit2020 #BreakFreeFromPlastic
Quick Links
Know more about BRANDED Volume III: Demanding Corporate Accountability for Plastic Pollution
Key Messages and Q&A
Don’t forget to tag us when you post!
Sample tweets:
If including an image with your tweet, please tag the top 5 corporate plastic polluters: @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, and @MDLZ

▪ BREAKING: @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever & @MDLZ are the TOP 5 corporate plastic polluters of 2020. It’s the 3rd time they’ve been on the TOP 10 list! We demand REAL accountability.

@brkfreeplastic #BrandAudit2020 report: #BreakFreeFromPlastic

▪ For the 3rd year running, @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, snatched the top global plastic polluter award. They NEED to stop relying on single-use plastic & invest in reusable packaging NOW.

@brkfreeplastic #BrandAudit2020 report: #BreakFreeFromPlastic

▪ Hey @PepsiCo, you’re 1 of the top 3 plastic polluters in the entire world for the 3rd yr in a row. How about taking REAL responsibility for your plastic waste?

Let’s KEEP THE PRESSURE ON! @brkfreeplastic #BrandAudit2020 report:
▪ For the THIRD year in a row, @Nestle is one of the top 3 global corporate plastic polluters according to the latest @brkfreeplastic #brandaudit2020 report.
Find out who else made this year’s cut as the world’s worst plastic polluters:

▪ Waste pickers bear the burden of cleaning up after top plastic polluters like @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle. We stand with waste pickers & demand that corporations be held accountable!

@brkfreeplastic #BrandAudit2020 out now: #breakfreefromplastic

▪ “Whatever can’t be recycled, mustn’t be produced” -Simon Mbata, waste picker & Coordinator of @sawpaza

@cocacola @PepsiCo & @Nestle, why don’t you listen to the people burdened by your plastic waste?

@brkfreeplastic #BrandAudit2020: #breakfreefromplastic Photo with quote available here.

▪ Waste pickers are integral to the waste management system.

@cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, & @MDLZ stop burdening them with your single-use plastic waste that can never be properly managed!

@brkfreeplastic #BrandAudit2020: #breakfreefromplastic
Sample Instagram and Facebook posts:
Please tag the top 5 corporate plastic polluters — @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, & @mondelez_international, & (note: Mondelēz International is @mondelezinternational on Facebook) — and update the link in your Instagram bio to

▪ BREAKING: @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, & @mondelez_international, are the Top 5 Corporate Plastic Polluters of 2020

These corporations polluted the MOST PLACES with the MOST PLASTIC WASTE! They urgently need to stop relying on single-use plastic and invest in reusable packaging instead.

Visit to get involved with the worldwide @BreakFreeFromPlastic movement and hold corporations accountable. #BreakFreeFromPlastic #BrandAudit2020

▪ Hey @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, & @mondelez_international, @marsglobal, @proctergamble, Philip Morris International, @colgatepalmoliveco, and Perfetti Van Melle, you’ve made it to the top 10 corporate plastic polluters list of 2020.

How about you take REAL responsibility for your plastic waste? It’s time you REVEAL how much plastic you really produce, REDUCE your total plastic footprint, and REINVENT your packaging to be reusable or refillable.

Together with @BreakFreeFromPlastic we will KEEP THE PRESSURE ON the top polluters in the #BrandAudit2020 report.
Visit to know more! #BreakFreeFromPlastic

Please note that on Facebook, Mondelez International is @mondelezinternational, Mars Inc. is @Mars, and Philip Morris International is @InsidePMFTC. Philip Morris International doesn’t have an instagram account, Perfetti Van Melle doesn’t have an Instagram or Facebook account and Colgate-Plamolive doesn’t have a Facebook account.

▪ Single-use plastics pose a major threat to our climate. Research states that over 99% of plastic is made from fossil fuel. Since corporations aren’t taking responsibility for their role in creating the plastic pollution crisis, we’ll keep the pressure on the top corporate plastic polluters until they change their packaging. @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, & @mondelez_international, we’re looking at you!

Visit to read the full @BreakFreeFromPlastic #BrandAudit2020 report. #BreakFreeFromPlastic

▪ Hey @cocacola, you’re the #1 Top Global Plastic Polluter for the THIRD year in a row. How about taking REAL responsibility for your plastic waste?

It’s time you REVEAL how much plastic you really produce, REDUCE your total plastic footprint, and REINVENT your packaging to be reusable or refillable.

Join as we KEEP THE PRESSURE ON the top plastic polluters!
Visit for more from @BreakFreeFromPlastic’s #BrandAudit2020 report. #BreakFreeFromPlastic
▪ Waste pickers bear the burden of cleaning up after top plastic polluters like @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, & @mondelez_international.

All ten of the Top Global Polluters are corporations headquartered in the Global North, leaving the Global South to deal with the wake of the plastic pollution crisis that these brands contribute to.

We stand with waste pickers and demand that corporations be held accountable for the effect that their packaging has on vulnerable communities!

Read about how @BreakFreeFromPlastic worked with waste workers for #BrandAudit2020:

▪ “Whatever cannot be recycled, must not be produced.” – Simon Mbata, waste picker & National Coordinator of @South African Waste Pickers Association

Hey @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, & @mondelez_international, why don’t you try listening to the very people burdened by your plastic waste?

We stand with waste pickers and demand corporate accountability! @BreakFreeFromPlastic #BrandAudit2020 out now:

South African Waste Pickers Association does not have an instagram account.

Photo with quote available here.

▪ Waste pickers are integral to the waste management system. They are true experts on which materials can be resold and recycled.

Hey @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, & @mondelez_international stop burdening them with your low-value single-use plastic waste that you know can never be properly managed. It’s bad for the planet AND the livelihoods of waste pickers who are trying to clean up your mess.
@brkfreeplastic #BrandAudit2020:

Sample Instagram Stories:
Interactive Quiz
Don’t forget to add the options and mark the right answer

▪ Tag @cocacola in the reveal

▪ Tag @breakfreefromplastic

▪ Use #breakfreefromplastic
Sample Instagram Stories:
Interactive Poll
Don’t forget to edit the options

▪ Tag the top 5 polluters: @cocacola, @PepsiCo, @Nestle, @Unilever, & @mondelez_international

▪ Tag @breakfreefromplastic

▪ Use #breakfreefromplastic
Learn more about the Break Free From Plastic movement through these channels:
Join the movement here! In case you’re already a member, you can update your profile with the same link. This way, we can contact you about opportunities specific to your location, expertise, and interests!

This Valentine’s Day, let your love be the only thing that lasts forever—not plastic! 💕

🎟 Experience Gifts
...💌 Handwritten Love Letter
🌹 Dried or Locally Grown Flowers

Share your plastic-free #ValentinesDay ideas in the comments! 💬💚

#BreakFreeFromPlastic #NoToSingleUse

🚨🧠 The average brain sampled in 2024 contained a whopping 7 grams of microplastics -- the equivalent of a plastic... spoon. Higher concentrations were noted in those with dementia. 🥄😱

Read more:

#Microplastics #ToxicPlastics #BreakFreeFromPlastic

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