The fourth round of Global Plastics Treaty negotiations (INC-4) is happening in Ottawa from 23-29 April 2024. LEARN MORE

The fifth round of Global Plastics Treaty negotiations (INC-5) is happening on 25 November to 1 December 2024 in Busan, Republic of Korea. LEARN MORE!

Protect our planet! Last chance to join the call for a strong Plastics Treaty. SIGN THE PETITION NOW.

shape the future of EU plastics policy

Plastics & EU



The next European Union Elections are scheduled to take place between 6 and 9 June 2024. EU citizens will turn to the ballot boxes to decide which Members of the European Parliament (MEP’s) will represent and advocate for the concerns of constituents at the EU level.

Europe is one of the largest producers and consumers of plastics worldwide. If we want the EU to tackle the plastics crisis, then we need a European Commision and  European Parliament that is committed to delivering real solutions to protect people and the planet.

Join the #BreakFreeFromPlastic EU Elections Campaign to call for a new EU Government that prioritises the reduction of plastic production, tackles plastic pollution and gives precedence to the health and safety of people and planet. 

Top plastic pollution
issues for the EU


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Health And Safety Not Guaranteed


Plastics And Climate


Plastic - The (In)Visible Pollution


Plastics’ Injustice


Investment 101 For A Plastic Pollution-Free Future


A Plastic Pollution-Free EU


Plastics And Nature Entwined


Resourcing A Material World


SHARE our member’s campaigns

BLUE UP campaign
led by Surfrider Europe
Blue Manifesto
led by Seas At Risk, Oceana, Surfrider, BirdLife, ClientEarth and WWF
Act Now to Ban PVC
Toxic-free Europe now!
led by various organizations
Hi I am plastic free mermaid and even *I* have plastic in my home. 😌

I avoid plastic like the plague & freak out if someone tries to give my son plastic because I’ve been studying the link between plastic and human health for almost TWO DECADES. & I’m telling you, the science is really really bad, especially for CHILDREN. But even I cannot avoid it altogether. 

It’s not my fault, it’s not your fault, it is our governments who cuddle up to uber wealthy, uber-powerful plastics corporations who are responsible for polluting our planet & our bodies with their cheap, ubiquitous plastic filth. Feels disempowering?? Not any more fam. RIGHT NOW we can finally do something about it. 

The UN Plastics Treaty is being finalised at the end of this month & all you need to do is let people know about it. 🧠💫

Read the e-book linked in my bio & please share this link. 
If you have felt frustrated & like you cannot make a difference, now is the time. & all you have to do is talk about the #plasticstreaty 

Post stories, post reels, send emails, have chats, read the e-book aloud with friends & discuss dense, tricky bits, send this or share this with your networks, etc. I know it can be a dark place on the internet sometimes, so spread this message of HOPE that we can actually make a lasting difference on this one—at the GLOBAL level. 

Please ask any questions below ❤️ Thank you for getting active on this. There are a lot of causes, but not every day do we have the opportunity to make a GLOBAL PLASTICS TREATY!  #PlastSick #NoPlasticsPlease

Hi I am plastic free mermaid and even *I* have plastic in my home. 😌

I avoid plastic like the plague & freak out if someone tries to give my son plastic because I’ve been studying the link between plastic and human health for almost TWO DECADES. & I’m telling you, the science is really really bad, especially for CHILDREN. But even I cannot avoid it altogether.

It’s not my fault, it’s not your fault, it is our governments who cuddle up to uber wealthy, uber-powerful plastics corporations who are responsible for polluting our planet & our bodies with their cheap, ubiquitous plastic filth. Feels disempowering?? Not any more fam. RIGHT NOW we can finally do something about it.

The UN Plastics Treaty is being finalised at the end of this month & all you need to do is let people know about it. 🧠💫

Read the e-book linked in my bio & please share this link.

If you have felt frustrated & like you cannot make a difference, now is the time. & all you have to do is talk about the #plasticstreaty

Post stories, post reels, send emails, have chats, read the e-book aloud with friends & discuss dense, tricky bits, send this or share this with your networks, etc. I know it can be a dark place on the internet sometimes, so spread this message of HOPE that we can actually make a lasting difference on this one—at the GLOBAL level.

Please ask any questions below ❤️ Thank you for getting active on this. There are a lot of causes, but not every day do we have the opportunity to make a GLOBAL PLASTICS TREATY! #PlastSick #NoPlasticsPlease

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Plastic Pollution Coalition and Uproot Plastic are co-hosting the Korean Premiere of ‘Plastic People’, the groundbreaking documentary film, which follows one woman’s mission to expose the impact of microplastics on human health. 🎬 ✨ There are three nights of screenings, so please be sure to register.
After the film, engage with a powerful panel discussion ahead of the #PlasticsTreaty negotiations next week here in Busan, South Korea.

🗓️ Friday, November 22 at 7pm 
🗓️ Saturday, November 23 at 5pm 
🗓️ Sunday, November 24 at 7pm 

📍 LOTTE Cinema Centun City, Busan

Free registration sign up link here:

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Plastic Pollution Coalition and Uproot Plastic are co-hosting the Korean Premiere of ‘Plastic People’, the groundbreaking documentary film, which follows one woman’s mission to expose the impact of microplastics on human health. 🎬 ✨ There are three nights of screenings, so please be sure to register.
After the film, engage with a powerful panel discussion ahead of the #PlasticsTreaty negotiations next week here in Busan, South Korea.

🗓️ Friday, November 22 at 7pm
🗓️ Saturday, November 23 at 5pm
🗓️ Sunday, November 24 at 7pm

📍 LOTTE Cinema Centun City, Busan

Free registration sign up link here:

Plastic Pollution Coalition

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Ces pompiers pyromanes ne nous berneront plus 🔥🚒

Le Guardian vient de publier une analyse alarmante, basée sur une étude de Greenpeace.

Cinq géants du plastique, réunis dans une alliance soi-disant engagée contre la pollution, ont généré 1 000 fois plus de déchets plastiques qu’ils n’en ont éliminés ces cinq dernières années.

1 000 fois plus.

Pendant qu’ils nous vendent des opérations de nettoyage et des campagnes de recyclage, la majorité des plastiques qu’ils produisent finit dans la nature : rivières, océans, sols…

Ce n’est pas une solution. C’est une stratégie de diversion.

Le problème ne se règle pas avec des cleanups médiatisés ou des promesses creuses.
Il commence par une réduction massive à la source.

Pourtant des cleanups, nous en faisons avec Orléans Zéro Plastique. Pour mettre en lumière la pollution plastique qui est universelle et épingler les pollueurs !

Il faut arrêter de produire ces tonnes de plastique inutiles. Pas dans 25 ans. Maintenant.

Ces entreprises ne sont pas les sauveuses qu’elles prétendent être. Elles sont les pompiers pyromanes de notre époque.

Et nous, en tant que citoyens, devons leur demander des comptes.

Quelle est votre solution pour sortir de ce cercle vicieux ? #PlasticsTreaty #cleanwalk #Ramassage #Cleanwalkers #ZéroDéchet #plasticfree #Plasticwaste #ZéroPlastique #Zerowaste #Nature #Environnement #endplasticpollution #Savetheplanet #Plasticpollution #Ecologie #Orléans #loire #loirevalley #loirevalleytourisme #loiret #centrevaldeloire #breakfreefromplastic #plasticpollutes

Ces pompiers pyromanes ne nous berneront plus 🔥🚒

Le Guardian vient de publier une analyse alarmante, basée sur une étude de Greenpeace.

Cinq géants du plastique, réunis dans une alliance soi-disant engagée contre la pollution, ont généré 1 000 fois plus de déchets plastiques qu’ils n’en ont éliminés ces cinq dernières années.

1 000 fois plus.

Pendant qu’ils nous vendent des opérations de nettoyage et des campagnes de recyclage, la majorité des plastiques qu’ils produisent finit dans la nature : rivières, océans, sols…

Ce n’est pas une solution. C’est une stratégie de diversion.

Le problème ne se règle pas avec des cleanups médiatisés ou des promesses creuses.
Il commence par une réduction massive à la source.

Pourtant des cleanups, nous en faisons avec Orléans Zéro Plastique. Pour mettre en lumière la pollution plastique qui est universelle et épingler les pollueurs !

Il faut arrêter de produire ces tonnes de plastique inutiles. Pas dans 25 ans. Maintenant.

Ces entreprises ne sont pas les sauveuses qu’elles prétendent être. Elles sont les pompiers pyromanes de notre époque.

Et nous, en tant que citoyens, devons leur demander des comptes.

Quelle est votre solution pour sortir de ce cercle vicieux ? #PlasticsTreaty #cleanwalk #Ramassage #Cleanwalkers #ZéroDéchet #plasticfree #Plasticwaste #ZéroPlastique #Zerowaste #Nature #Environnement #endplasticpollution #Savetheplanet #Plasticpollution #Ecologie #Orléans #loire #loirevalley #loirevalleytourisme #loiret #centrevaldeloire #breakfreefromplastic #plasticpollutes

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In 2004, Dr. Richard Thompson's ground-breaking research introduced us to "microplastics"—tiny plastic fragments that come from everyday items like clothing and packaging. Since then, studies have shown these particles are everywhere, even reaching human blood, the placenta, and the brain. 🧬

With over 7,000 studies confirming their impact, the evidence is clear: microplastics are a global issue that needs coordinated solutions. 🌎

As Dr. Thompson put it, “We’ve got more than enough evidence to stop defining the problem, and to move on to the solutions.” The upcoming Global #PlasticsTreaty is a critical opportunity to address the health and environmental impact of plastics at a systemic level. 🌊

The science has spoken, and solutions are within reach. But to protect our planet and our health, we need action now.

Learn more about our work on plastics and health via link in bio!

In 2004, Dr. Richard Thompson`s ground-breaking research introduced us to "microplastics"—tiny plastic fragments that come from everyday items like clothing and packaging. Since then, studies have shown these particles are everywhere, even reaching human blood, the placenta, and the brain. 🧬

With over 7,000 studies confirming their impact, the evidence is clear: microplastics are a global issue that needs coordinated solutions. 🌎

As Dr. Thompson put it, “We’ve got more than enough evidence to stop defining the problem, and to move on to the solutions.” The upcoming Global #PlasticsTreaty is a critical opportunity to address the health and environmental impact of plastics at a systemic level. 🌊

The science has spoken, and solutions are within reach. But to protect our planet and our health, we need action now.

Learn more about our work on plastics and health via link in bio!

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