Read updates on the fifth round of negotiations for Plastics Treaty ➝
Protect our planet! Last chance to join the call for a strong Plastics Treaty. SIGN THE PETITION NOW.
Fresh perspectives on zero waste within the African context. Zero waste is often seen as exclusively for the affluent eco-conscious individuals of high-income countries but with successful implementation, a zero waste system can truly embrace traditional knowledge and existing practices of preservation in Africa. Tune in as we discover the world of zero waste, the organisations championing this system of waste management in Africa, as well as delving into the environmental issues threatening our people and planet.
Ralph welcomes Deepa Padmanabha, senior legal advisor to Greenpeace USA, to discuss that organization’s looming trial against Energy Transfer Partners (builder of the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock) that threatens the constitutionally protected First Amendment right of citizens and citizen groups to protest. Plus, Josh Paul, former State Department employee, who resigned in protest over the Biden Administration’s policy of sending weapons to support Israel’s genocide in Gaza, returns to tell us about an organization he co-founded called “A New Policy,” which as the name suggests envisions an American policy toward the Middle East more in line with the “foundational principles of liberty, equality, democracy, and human rights; advancing American interests abroad; and protecting American freedoms at home.”
Next week, the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee will be held in Busan, South Korea, to develop an internationally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. This treaty presents a crucial opportunity to radically reduce plastic usage and waste, while encouraging businesses and individuals to embrace the circular economy.
To shed light on the treaty and its implications, Richard Howitt is joined by , European Coordinator, and , Global Corporate Campaigns Coordinator for , a global coalition of 13,000 organizations committed to ending plastic pollution.
The petrochemical industry is the largest global driver of the increased demand for oil and gas, fueling the climate crisis and its disastrous impacts on the most vulnerable communities and ecosystems. Yet, this extremely high fossil fuel-consuming industry has remained a complete oversight in the EU public energy and climate debates. This is despite clear and feasible pathways to reduce consumption of one of its main products: plastic. Join us for #BreakFreeFromPlastic's new podcast series, Winter Will Come Again, hosted by Sarah Diedro Jordão and with special guests from the Break Free From Plastic movement and beyond.
Fresh perspectives on zero waste within the African context. Zero waste is often seen as exclusively for the affluent eco-conscious individuals of high-income countries but with successful implementation, a zero waste system can truly embrace traditional knowledge and existing practices of preservation in Africa. Tune in as we discover the world of zero waste, the organisations championing this system of waste management in Africa, as well as delving into the environmental issues threatening our people and planet.
With our guest, Delphine Lévi Alvarès, Global Petrochemicals Campaigner Coordinator for #BreakFreeFromPlastic, Center for International Environmental Law, we deep dive into what’s going on with plastic.
The Global Plastics Treaty negotiations offer an opportunity for governments around the world to set mechanisms to address plastic pollution-- one that should focus on solutions such as reuse and plastics reduction, and not on false solutions such as waste incineration and other techno-fixes!In this podcast series produced in partnership with Sustainable Asia, experts do a theme-wise analysis of the Global Plastics Treaty, telling us why an effective legally binding instrument addressing plastic pollution crisis is important for all of us.
The petrochemical industry is the largest global driver of the increased demand for oil and gas, fueling the climate crisis and its disastrous impacts on the most vulnerable communities and ecosystems. Yet, this extremely high fossil fuel-consuming industry has remained a complete oversight in the EU public energy and climate debates. This is despite clear and feasible pathways to reduce consumption of one of its main products: plastic. Join us for #BreakFreeFromPlastic's new podcast series, Winter Will Come Again, hosted by Sarah Diedro Jordão and with special guests from the Break Free From Plastic movement and beyond.