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- Posted on October 31, 2023

A message of solidarity for Gaza from the #BreakFreeFromPlastic movement

Break Free From Plastic adds its voice to those calling for peace and an immediate ceasefire to end the escalating violence in Israel and Palestine, which has resulted in the tragic loss of thousands of innocent lives.

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Break Free From Plastic adds its voice to those calling for peace and an immediate ceasefire to end the escalating violence in Israel and Palestine, which has resulted in the tragic loss of thousands of innocent lives. As a global movement committed to protecting people and the planet from environmental harm and pollution, we condemn the indiscriminate cycle of violence and forms of aggression and oppression against civilians that have brought immeasurable suffering to both Palestinians and Israelis and hindered prospects for peace.

We extend our solidarity to all those whose loved ones have been murdered, injured, or taken hostage, and those who continue to suffer from the atrocities committed against the civilian population by parties involved in this conflict, including the deaths of dozens of children in Israel and more than three thousand children in Gaza. We support the call for unimpeded and sustained humanitarian support for Palestinians along with access to affected areas in Gaza to alleviate the suffering and protect the rights of all people.

We urge the international community to intensify and redouble its efforts to alleviate human suffering in Gaza and the region, safeguard lives, secure an immediate ceasefire, and promote long-lasting peace. There is no such thing as a healthy planet if people’s dignity and right to live are not honored and respected.

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