Read updates on the fifth round of negotiations for Plastics Treaty ➝

Protect our planet! Last chance to join the call for a strong Plastics Treaty. SIGN THE PETITION NOW.

- Posted on February 24, 2022

A message of solidarity for Ukraine from the #breakfreefromplastic movement

The Break Free from Plastic movement is deeply concerned about the escalating conflict in Ukraine and the impact that this is having on civilians and the environment in the affected regions.


We appeal to all parties to pursue peaceful means and options to resolve this crisis. War and violence can never be the solution, as they inevitably result in humanitarian tragedies and the violation and denial of human rights including the right to live in a safe and healthy environment.

As a global movement rooted in the pursuit of justice and systems change, we recognize the importance of lifting our voices together to proclaim solidarity with those who face oppression and those who are calling for peace.

#breakfreefromplastic would like to express its full support to our members and colleagues in Ukraine, their families, and all people affected by this unfolding tragedy.

Together, let us use our voices, and our platforms to renounce war and demand peace.

#peaceforukraine #standwithukraine

Amplify our members’ messages:



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