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, - Posted on September 21, 2020

Move to ban Single Use Plastic in Sri Lanka

The Central Environmental Authority has submitted a proposal to the cabinet to ban the use of Sachet packets containing shampoo and hair gel, plastic drinking straws and plastic water bottles from 2021.

Break Free From Plastic

In this proposal, the CEA drew special attention to products that were causing enormous Environmental harm. Items such as Sachets used for Shampoo, conditioner, hair gel, washing powder, fabric softener, toothpaste, plastic bottles (PET Bottles), and lids used in the water and soft drink/beverage Industry; and packaging used in biscuit manufacturing are a few. the utilization of soft drinks in plastic bottles would be managed under the proposition as an initial step, and in addition potential choices for plastic cutlery utilized for yogurt, frozen yogurt, and in the food takeaway division as well as Plastic clips used in the bundling of shirts also will be taken into consideration.

This decision was finally made after many Organizations have been advocating for the ban on Single-use plastic. The Centre for Environmental Justice has been at the forefront in the fight to ban Single-use plastic in the country & has raised awareness on several occasions. In 2019 the Centre for Environmental Justice wrote a letter to the Hon. President of Sri Lanka to Ban the use of single-use plastic. In the case filed by the Centre for Environmental Justice against the Illegal Sand filling in the Mount Lavinia beach that took place early this year against the Coast Conservation Authority, The Marine Environmental Protection Authority & the Central Environmental Authority CEJ requested the ban of Single-use plastic yet again.

The use of plastic has been a major Environmental concern since the 20th century due to the low composite rate. Many countries have tried to eradicate the use of plastic due to the major environmental hazard that it has caused. Many Oceans have been polluted & infested with plastic causing drastic Environmental impacts.

The Centre for Environmental Justice along with the Friends of the Earth International & the break free from plastic campaign conducted numerous brand Audits on the major plastic polluters in Sri Lanka. The number one plastic polluter was Elephant House with brands such as Coca Cola & Unilever following closely behind. There were quite a number of unnamed brands that were found to be polluting the environment during these brand Audits too.

‘’The Centre for Environmental Justice warmly welcomes this Initial step taken to ban the use of certain single-use plastics & urges that the way forward is to find Eco-friendly alternatives that will benefit not only mankind but each and every living being on Earth.’’

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